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246 E Saginaw St
East Lansing, MI, 48823
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Controlled atmosphere modules to extend the preservation of fruits, vegetables, flowers and mushrooms

Source: News

New data sheets available: Radicchio , Yellow onion and Pack Choi

Benoit Janny

After several years of R&D work, we now offer 3 new products to be stored in Janny MT modules:

Radicchio: Radicchio quality declines throughout the winter. The Janny MT equipment enables radicchio of excellent quality to be stored at the end of November and marketed between March and April. Preservation is a real economic challenge for this Italian product.

Yellow onions: Long storage times lead to sprouting and weight loss. Storage in Janny MT modules for 10 months prevents sprouting. An ideal solution for maintaining freshness and avoiding loss of quality.

Pak Choï: A product that swells visibly depending on the weather. It has to be harvested at the right size, otherwise it's no longer marketable. Janny MT modules are ideal for triggering harvesting at the right time, and offering consumers the right sizes without any losses.

The entire Janny MT technical team works hard every day to bring you a simple storage solution.

We'll soon be unveiling 2 more products... to help you break through the 50-fruit, vegetable, condiment, mushroom, flower and herb barrier.