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246 E Saginaw St
East Lansing, MI, 48823
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Controlled atmosphere modules to extend the preservation of fruits, vegetables, flowers and mushrooms

Source: News

New data sheets available: Jerusalem artichoke, Daffodil, Fig

Benoit Janny

After several years of R&D work, we are offering 3 new products to be stored in Janny MT modules:

Jerusalem artichokes: The start of vegetative growth in March means that Jerusalem artichokes have to be harvested before they start growing again. Storing them in modules for 3 months is an essential solution for increasing volumes at the end of the season.

Daffodils: An early flower, sometimes too early, which needs to be stored for 1 month. Storing them in Janny MT modules allows us to spread out the mass arrival of production between February and March.

Figs: Production is closely linked to the weather and production peaks are frequent. The Janny MT modules provide considerable flexibility in stock management to meet market demand.

The entire Janny MT technical team works on a daily basis to provide you with a simple storage solution.

We will shortly be unveiling 3 other products ... to take you past the 50 fruit, vegetables, condiments, mushrooms, flowers and aromatic herbs mark.