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246 E Saginaw St
East Lansing, MI, 48823
United States


Controlled atmosphere modules to extend the preservation of fruits, vegetables, flowers and mushrooms

Source: News


Benoit Janny

In May, JANNY MT joined the Coq Vert community!

The natural and sustainable JANNY MT solution offers a way of preserving fruit and vegetables without the need for additional energy consumption. It protects the environment by preventing pollution, reduces food waste and does not introduce any chemicals into the food.

The Communauté du Coq Vert, launched by Bpifrance in partnership with ADEME and the French Ministry for Ecological Transition, brings together 2,500 entrepreneurs committed to the ecological and energy transition.

Its aim is to encourage the sharing of expertise and to develop technological, industrial and organisational solutions to limit climate disruption and restore biodiversity.

The Community's strategy contributes to the protection of biodiversity, the transition to a circular economy, adaptation to climate change, the prevention of pollution and the sustainable use of natural resources.